Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to view complete message source (email source, email header) in Outlook 2010

Shortly, not easy way. Especially when using Outlook 2010 (probably, 2007 and 2013 as well). And especially when you must configure your account as Microsoft Exchange. Why is Microsoft invent tools that nobody use them? Their Outlook 2013 became such a bloatware that I could hardly find what I need. Most of the time I just want a simple email client, nothing more.

So, this is what I am talking about (as explained in this question):

As the answers tell (verified by myself as well), it does not simply work on an Outlook 2010. Here is what you can do about it:

Solution 1
Install Mozilla Thunderbird and configure your account as IMAP (or POP3). It will work >> select a message or open it in new tab/window, then press Ctrl+U to see the source. You will see the header + source. Great staff!

Solution 2
Install eM-client, then configure your account as IMAP (or POP3). It will work >> right-click on the message and you have 2 options: View Mail Header and View Mail Source. As simple as that. :)

Update: I finally found out where it's hidden this options (dooh!... Microsoft):
Open Message > Message Tab > Tags > Arrow at bottom right

And here is how you make a shortcut to it:

  1. In the main window (Outlook), go to File -> Options
  2. Select the Quick Access Toolbar on the left.
  3. Set the "Choose commands from" dropdown list to; Commands Not in the Ribbon
  4. From the command list select; Message Options…
  5. Press the "Add >>" button.
  6. Press OK.

The option is now added to the Quick Access Toolbar at the top of your Outlook window and view the Internet headers of a message without needing to open it first.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Linkedin User Agreement updated on Sep. 12, 2013

Linkedin User Agreement has been updated on September 12, 2013.

Summary of Changes to LinkedIn User Agreement

This summary is intended to facilitate your review and understanding of the changes to the User Agreement. However, please take the time to read the full document, as you will be bound by its terms when you view, access or otherwise use LinkedIn’s online services.
Some highlights of the revisions to the User Agreement follow:
We have changed the minimum age of a person to access LinkedIn’s online services. LinkedIn is not available to children under 13, but the minimum age to become a member of LinkedIn will be anywhere from 13 to 18 years old depending on the country, as described in Section 2.3.
We have provided notice that LinkedIn will continue to charge your chosen payment method until you cancel the Premium Service or your membership, as described in Section 2.6.

If you'd like to read everything, here are the links: User Agreement and Privacy Policy.